- Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds
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"Between Two Worlds." Oil on board. 23"x12". Completed during running and painting session at Horseshoe Lake, northern New Mexico. Run started in Red River, NM and wound my up to Lost Lake to Horseshoe Lake and then continued onto Simpson Peak and down to Taos Ski valley. High mountain lakes with shimmering waters and spectacular scenery. Colors flow from the head outwards to the viewer below. 12,000' + trail run and painting session completed. During this 12 hour, 22 mile outing the average output and costs to create this painting were: backpack weight 48 lbs, 6,833 calories burned, 46, 464 steps, 1.2 lbs. of paint and 40 hours of painting time. This isn't your normal studio painting! (Painting comes complete with any flying insects that may have landed their way onto the wet paint.)
Watch the related run and paint video here.
Watch the related run and paint video here.